The SILENT Pandemic after COVID-19
I believe there is a pandemic after COVID, one that is among our children and one which we will not know the full cost of for many years to come.
In both my professional and personal life, I have never seen the rate of anxiety and depression among our children as I have now… coming out of COVID.
Even if they aren’t showing outward signs of anxiety or depression, there are other developmental concerns because of the change in our circumstances.
Our webinar has some of the information that is contained in the book, but we could never cover everything that is in there. You will learn, though, important information to help your child and strategies to use.
This webinar will teach you:
- What the problems are arising out of COVID circumstances
- What to look for and
- 6 Strategies you can implement in your classroom to help.
We will look at things from a child development point of view, teach you what is going on in the brain and why we are seeing these effects in our children.